Soda Dungeon Boss

Your favorite fizzy dungeon crawler is back! The Dark Lord has locked all sorts of legendary items, loot, and goodies up in his castle behind a seemingly endless guard of monsters, traps, and treachery. You’ll be safe in the tavern hiring Soda Junkies to do the dirty work for you.

Sep 28, 2018

Just a quick guide on how to defeat tengen + demora before the warrior's dimension.
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  • How to Get Loot & Money Quick.
  • How to Get the Hidden Achievement.
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  • Fast Relic Coins.


Demora (who is an old school RPG reference, fun fact) can only be hurt with the healer's therapy skill (I believe, group heal/refresh may work as well), but either way, she can only take damage through healing. That said, since you have to start at level 491, you should take h/h/h/h/k. Equip knight with crit gear and surviability for no bad doors and to defeat the skeletons summoned by demora, and healers with mp/magic damage (for accessories maybe magic bottle, antimagic bottle, demon horn, etc.)
Once you get to her, heal party members only when you have to. the knight at this point is useful when she uses 'Rise from the Grave' when she summons skeletons. Only attack the skeletons with the knight, and make sure you only kill one, and keep it that way so she won't summon more.
That's pretty much it. You could also subsitiute a healer with a dm for noxin. (You wouldn't have necroblast yet, obviously).


Tengen can be harmed by any class, however, after the first round, he will kill all classes that aren't fighters instantly. I repeat- ALL OF THEM. So you can't take two healers and have them picked off in seperate rounds.
That said, this is pretty much one of the only times you should use the merchant. Since you have to start at 691, you should use h/f/f/f/m.
Equip everyone with the most crit gear you can. Piledrivers and dropkicks will be useless compared to a lvl 6/5 dagger and demon armor, plus leveled up crit relic/atk.
Once you get to 699, make sure all your fighters are at full health before killing the mobs. Finally, at level 700, here's the gamble. Just go through normal round, strike only, and on the merchant, use the 50/50 skill. Here's the RNG part. if it hits, 5000ish damage. If it doesn't, you're screwed. Anyway, after that he'll kill healer and merchant, and from them you just gotta hope he uses fury chop a lot, giving you 3 or so turns to crit him to death. Good luck, this one is a lot more RNG than demora.

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Dungeon Bosses are unique enemies encountered every 100 levels, and at the end of a dungeon. Listed below are all the Dungeon Bosses in thegame.Level 100 - Julius: A human warlord.

He can confuse your party and make themmiss. He has 1200 HP. He won't appear in every dimension, just the first. His fight will be replaced by a dungeon boss that will talk to you.Level 200 - Alexandria: An orcish war-maiden.

She can hit two party members at the same time. She has 2500 HP.Level 300 - Gaaan: A dwarven mech-rider.

He can place a status ailment on all the members of your party. He has 5000 HP.Level 400 - Garrik: A nature elemental. He can heal himself and hurt all yourparty members. He has 9000 HP. The key to beating him is using DarkMages.Level 500 - Demora: A dark sorceress. The only thing that can harm her ishealing magic, however, in Warrior's Dimension, her ability is takenaway, and she can be damaged by anything.

She has 9000 HP.Level 600 - Binary: A green spider-legged robot. He can hurt everyone in your party for a lot of damage. He has 12000 HP.Level 700 - Tengen: A demonic fighting monk. He can weaken and hurt yourparty. He only wants to fight Fighters, and will instantly defeat anyother class when his turn comes. His ability is also taken away in the Warrior's Dimension. He has 13000 HP.Level 800 - Kelzika: An alchemist with a scorpion's lower body.

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