Breach Definition
What to KnowBreech is a noun referring to the rear of a gun or the rear, or buttocks, of a person. Most people are familiar with 'breeches' meaning 'pants.' Breach on the other hand means 'a break or violation' such as a 'breach of conduct' or a 'breach in a dam.'
The most common switch up occur in the phrase 'into/unto the breach.' One of our intrepid editors recently stumbled upon an which argued that the Democrats needed a fiery female leader. The article claimed that the American political left in 2011 lacked a strong progressive voice, and then went on to say, 'This is exactly the breech into which progressive women should step.'
Synonyms: breach, infraction, violation, transgression, trespass, infringementThese nouns denote an act or instance of breaking a law or regulation or of failing to fulfill a duty, obligation, or promise. Breach and infraction are the least specific; when applied to lawbreaking they may imply a relatively minor offense, but they are also widely used in nonlegal contexts: Revealing the secret would be a breach of trust. Their behavior amounted to an infraction of the unwritten social code.
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Violation generally applies to the breaking of an explicit law or rule ( a traffic violation; a violation of international law); it can also imply a failing to follow a moral or ethical standard: a violation of human rights; a violation of one's privacy. Transgression and trespass most often apply to divine or moral law: 'She had said that the transgression was all the more shocking because the official was charged with enforcing federal laws against sexual harassment' (Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson). 'The act of torture is such an extreme trespass against the laws of war that it may seem beside the point to wonder whether any other forms of wrongdoing have been carried out' (Elaine Scarry).Infringement is most frequently used to denote encroachment on another's rights: 'Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom' (William Pitt the Younger).
Synonyms and Antonyms of breach. A failure to uphold the requirements of law, duty, or obligation. The president's deliberate misstatements were widely seen as a breach of the public trust. A breach is a physical break or rupture, as in the hull of a ship. It also means a violation or infraction, as in a breach of trust. It can also be used as a verb referring.
Breach ( briːtʃ). Syn:, all denote an act of breaking or disregarding a legal or moral code.
Is most often used of a legal offense, but it may refer to the breaking of any code of conduct: breach of contract; breach of etiquette. Most often refers to the breaking of clearly formulated rules or laws: an infraction of regulations. Often suggests a willful, forceful refusal to obey: done in violation of instructions. Breach - The leap of a whale out of the water or the breaking of waves over a vessel or onto a coast; it is also the act of breaking. See also related terms for.